Rapid results wanted?

Become a Premium Member at KOPRA!

As a Premium Member you attract the attention of potential candidates on your company more effectively!
Become a Premium Member at KOPRA and enjoy all the benefits of our Premium Features!

Taking out employment ads

As a Premium Member you can taking out job advertisements in addition to your internship offers. The search for employees couldn’t be easier!

Automatic profile matching

Make use of our automatic profile matching tool which enables you to pre-select applicants according to your own criteria: only the best-matching candidates out of our extensive profiles database will be displayed for you – the profiles will be sent to you on a daily basis if you like. As a Premium Member you may use this tool as often as you want and set up and save as many different profile configurations as you need.

Unlimited access to our applicants’ database

The extensive KOPRA applicants’ database is at our Premium Member’s disposal. You may use to search for prospective employees on your own and contact them directly.

Banner advertisement

With banner advertisement you direct potential employees’ attention to your company and also be more present in the media.

Preferential advert of your job posting

Once an applicant searches for a job matching yours your job offer will always be on top of the search results.

Your Benefits at KOPRA

  • High access rate of applicants with East Asia background
  • Individual and specific search for candidates
  • Exact targeting of and direct contact to the target group

KOPRA in Figures

  • 99 offers online
  • 28980 registered profiles
  • 2233 registered companies

Companies registered at KOPRA

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