Präsident des BDI, Grußwort für die Jubiläumszeitschrift anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens von KOPRA (Koordinationsstelle für Praktika mit Ostasienschwerpunkt)

Jürgen R. Thumann

East Asia provides great opportunities for German business and hence invites us to deepen our involvement. Because of the region’s diversity in language and varied economic approaches, it is crucial for us to help prepare young Europeans for these challenges.

KOPRA is making a direct and effective contribution towards this goal by familiarizing young managers/leaders with the languages, the regional distinctions and local peculiarities of the various East Asian economies. Ten years ago we started this project in Japan , where we have watched with great pleasure as KOPRA consistently improved its service and increased the number of internships. Now KOPRA is planning to extend its services to China , Taiwan , South Korea and the whole of Europe , I have every reason to expect that KOPRA will perform this task as successfully as it has in Japan.

On the occasion of KOPRA’s 10th anniversary, I would like to express my appreciation for its accomplishments. I would also like to pay tribute to KOPRA’s staff for investing time and energy to give others the opportunity to gain an enriching experience and learn in an international environment.


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