KOPRA - Koordinationsstelle für Praktika e.V. is founded as a non-profit organization under German law. Founding members: Helmut Demes, Matthias Elvenkemper, Tim Goydke, Christiane Herder, Oliver Kohl, Michael Ladach, Prof. Dr. Werner Pascha, Stephan Wieland.
Cooperation between Dokkyo University, fostered by Prof. Dr. Kakinuma, and KOPRA. Students at Dokkyo University organize an event to inform about internships in Japan and Germany.
A Japanese leaflet explaining the work of KOPRA to Japanese companies is financed by Japanese-German Society Tokyo (JDG). It is available at DAAD Tokyo branch and at KOPRA Office as well as online.
Nichidoku Fernostreisen GmbH becomes the first corporate member of KOPRA e.V.
Relaunch of the KOPRA website.
The German Ambassador in Japan, Mr. Henrik Schmiegelow, becomes patron of KOPRA.
With the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and DAAD, new KOPRA-pamphlets are printed in Japanese, German and in English.
Major financial support is granted by Stiftung Mercator GmbH enabling KOPRA to extend its concept towards Korea, China und Taiwan as well as Germany (incoming).