KOPRA Chronology, Part 1

January 1995

Based on discussions with representatives of German companies in Tokyo , Mr. Felix Treibmann, Chief Representative of Gerling-Konzern Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG (GKA Japan) for Japan develops and presents the initial concept for an international internship platform, later to be called "KOPRA”. By means of a market survey, GKA Japan offers first internships in August 1995, in order to enhance and validate the initial concept.

January 1996

Mr. Tim Goydke, student of East Asian Studies at Duisburg University and intern at GKA Japan, finds an appropriate name for the project: "KOPRA" (KOordinationsstelle für PRAktika).

March 1996

The interns Ms. Fuss (GKA Japan), Ms. Esser (GKA Japan) and Mr. Wolf (DIHKJ) carry out a survey to prove the necessity of a platform to coordinate internships in Japan.

April 1996

Mr. Andreas Schlieper, Representative of the Economic Development Corporation North Rhine-Westphalia (Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsfoerderung NRW mbH, GfW), announces his support of KOPRA. Ms. Astrid Becker becomes contact person for KOPRA at GfW.

July 1996

Mr. Wessel, intern at Commerzbank, suggests conceiving KOPRA as an internet project. He and Mr. Vial, intern at Dentsu, set up the first KOPRA-Homepage. The German Ambassador in Japan, Mr. Frank Elbe, welcomes the KOPRA-team and confirms his support.

August 1996

As the German press discusses the necessity to ensure the continuity of KOPRA in the long term by backing it with an institution or organization, the University of Duisburg (East Asian Economic Studies, Prof. Dr. Werner Pascha) offers its support.

October 1996

KOPRA is presented to the public as an internet project. The management board of Gerling-Konzern Beteiligungs-AG (GKB) decides to support KOPRA by partially financing a student assistant at Duisburg University. Mr. Wolfgang Clement, the NRW Minister of Economic Affairs, promises to support KOPRA by way of GfW in presence of the German Ambassador.

April 1997

With funds of GKB, Mr. Stephan Wieland maintains KOPRA administration and homepage as a student assistant in Duisburg.

June 1997

During a meeting of Chancellor Kohl and Prime Minister Hashimoto at the G8 Summit in Denver, KOPRA is mentioned together with other projects and programs that support the cultural exchange between Japan and Germany.

November 1997

The first “KOPRA-intern”, Mr. Michael Ladach, a student at Duisburg University sets up the new KOPRA Office Tokyo , provided by Mr. Seiichi Mori, president of MC Corporation. Mr. Treibmann privately offers accomodation and remuneration to Mr. Ladach.

January 1998

The German Ambassador in Japan, Mr. Frank Elbe, becomes patron of KOPRA.

February 1998

Two mailing lists are established to keep KOPRA activists and supporters informed. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports KOPRA.

March 1998

Mr. Hans-Dietrich Genscher, retired German Minister of Foreign Affairs, expresses his acknowledgement of the successful work of KOPRA.

April 1998

Mr. Kaifu, former Prime Minister of Japan, becomes honorary adviser of KOPRA. By the middle of the month, KOPRA gets its own internet domain http://www.kopra.org.


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